Damn straight.
Content is King.
If you don’t have ongoing content flooding your social channels then you’re standing in the boxing ring with your hands tied behind your back.
Creating branded content on a regular basis keeps both customers and search algorithms happy!
When executed well, video content can increase your leads by up to 66% annually, and convert online window-shoppers into actual customers.
The whole point of social content is to be social! That means creating sharable, taggable, conversation-provoking, emoji-eliciting content.
Any type of content can be made social, but videos generate more shares and likes than both text and image content combined!
When creating fun content for your social channels you don’t always have to start from scratch. Sometimes you may already have existing brand assets that we can tailor to create something with impact.
Sutori has proudly produced social content for leading Aussie brands including ELEVEN Australia, Bondi Sands & MECCA.